Thursday, November 6, 2014


Today In class we discussed Discipline and I was really intrigued in what was being said. I clearly have not been blogging about this book that I should of been keeping up with. In class my teacher said "Blogging is one of the hardest discipline to learn but it will help your work so much more than you think." I have been thinking about this all day and now I finally think I get what he is trying to say. I may be wrong but this is how I interpreted this. All artist and actors need discipline and need to figure out their own problems and to me blogging is almost a public display of my inner thoughts and what is going through my head. I feel really weird right now because I can hear myself talking in my head as I type this and there is no format. I am almost feel wired not having something to write about or do but I am just so free with the keyboard and I can feel myself just going in circles about so many things I can talk about because I never have had the opportunity to do this. I am making a promise to myself to blog every Thursday for the rest of the year because I do feel this will help me as a writer, actress, and even as a person. I don't exactly know what I can blog about but until I hear restrictions be prepared for topics of what I am doing in class all the way to what is happening in the every day news as long as I blog about something that is on my mind.